[01] Torii fund 鳥居基金 (2015)

JPY 100,000, TE-86, Geochemical Society of Japan

[02] Goldschmidt conference student grant (2015)

EUR 295, Geochemical Society

[03] Goldschmidt conference student ambassador (2015)

USD 25 (Two-year membership), Geochemical Society

[04] Hiki fund 比企基金 (2017)

JPY 400,000, Tokyo Institute of Technology

[05] (PI) Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows (FY2019-2020)

JPY 2,100,000, 18J14186, 隕石の超高精度多元素同位体分析に基づく初期太陽系の物質科学進化に関する研究, Japan society for the promotion of science

[06] (PI) Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (FY2020-2023)

JPY 4,030,000, 20K14535, 太陽系に寄与した超新星爆発のメカニズムと太陽系重元素の起源に関する研究, Japan society for the promotion of science

[07] Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers (2020)

USD 664, Japan society for the promotion of science / Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

[08] Torii-Inoue fund 鳥居・井上基金 (2020)

JPY 40,000, Geochemical Society of Japan

[09] Awards of membership in The Meteoritical Society (2021)

USD 80 (One-year membership), The Meteoritical Society

[10] Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers (2021)

JPY 96,000, Japan society for the promotion of science / Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

[11] Request for Proposal: TansaX Challenging Research (FY2020–2021)

A novel system for high-resolution tomography and 3D visualization using a sequential grinding technique, JAXA Innovation Hub Center

[12] (Co-PI) Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) (FY2021–2025)

JPY 14,700,000, 21KK0058, 小惑星リュウグウ試料の多元素同位体分析:C型小惑星の起源と形成史の解明, Japan society for the promotion of science

[13] Request for Proposal: Solution Creating Research (FY2022–2024)

Development of high-resolution tomography and 3D rendering techniques, JAXA Innovation Hub Center

[14] (PI) 笹川科学研究助成 (FY2024)

JPY 870,000, 2024-3016, GED-ICP-MS/MSを用いたクラス1000クリーンルームの無機化学的環境モニタリング法の開発, 公益財団法人 日本科学協会

[15] (Co-PI) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (FY2024–2026)

Japan society for the promotion of science


[01] 若手発表賞(口頭発表) (2015)

完全分解法を用いた炭素質コンドライト全岩の高精度Nd同位体比測定, Geochemical Society of Japan

[02] 宇宙惑星科学セクション 学生優秀発表賞(口頭発表) (2015)

High precision neodymium isotopic analysis of chondrites with complete sample digestion, Japan Geoscience Union

[03] 地球惑星科学専攻 修士総代 (2016)

Tokyo Institute of Technology

[04] 若手発表賞(ポスター発表) (2017)

TIMSのイオン源で起きる二次的な質量依存分別: 超高精度Nd同位体分析に向けた検討, Geochemical Society of Japan


[01] 2023年度職員業績表彰 所長賞

新人研修における現場実習受入れ, JAXA

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